ScontoMio - Risparmio e Sconti

by ScontoMio



DiscountMio is the free app that allows you to save every day on your purchases, both online and in store.Dont change your shopping habits, let DiscountMio help you save without paying more than you should!Every day many new promotions and discounts of various types are published, such as: offers on shopping, offers and coupons on technology, offers on home and do-it-yourself or coupons for your online purchases.Do not forget after downloading the free registration app, only in this way you can find and be notified of offers that are truly in line with your interests and obtain maximum savings by not missing out on even one offer.By registering you can also save your favorite offers in the wishlist.Always remember to save your favorite offers and promotions, only in this way you will be sure not to lose them and get the maximum savings on your favorite items.As a registered user, you can also archive your reimbursement participations in order to receive a convenient notification when you should have already received the credit. You will never forget the promotions you have participated in!Thanks to the convenient push notification service you will not arrive later to any promotion and you will be in the front row to be able to have the highest discounts!My Discount will allow you to find:- discounts, promotions, cashbacks and vouchers for your daily shopping- prize operations- paid surveys- coupons and promotions for purchase in the most famous online stores- free samples of perfumes or articles from the beauty world- and so on...Thanks to DiscountMio you will not have to wait for sales, blackfriday, cybermonday, prime day or other special events to save, but you can find incredible promotions every day!Follow us also on our social channels Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Telegram.What are you waiting for? Download My Discount now and start saving every day!